Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot, Dark
Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot, Dark

Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot, Dark

Item # LF00944

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Life/form® Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot Model - Black

Chronic foot ulcers affect elderly the most, the Life/form® Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot Model black skin was designed for instruction on care and cleaning of pressure ulcers in various stages.

Pressure ulcers are more likely to appear over pressure points such as heels, tips of toes, between toes, or anywhere the bones may protrude and rub against socks, shoes, or bed sheets.

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Life/form® Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot Model - Black

Chronic foot ulcers affect elderly the most, the Life/form® Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot Model black skin was designed for instruction on care and cleaning of pressure ulcers in various stages.

Pressure ulcers are more likely to appear over pressure points such as heels, tips of toes, between toes, or anywhere the bones may protrude and rub against socks, shoes, or bed sheets.

This Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot Model contains all four severity stages:
  • Stage 1 - Located on the bottom of the toe. Surface of the skin is red.
  • Stage 2 - Located on the bottom of the foot just under the toe. Surface of the skin is red and deeper into the skin layers.
  • Stage 3 - Located on the side of the foot. Surface of the skin is red, looks more like a crater, and reaches the bottom layer of the skin.
  • Stage 4 - Located on the heel of the foot. Surface of the skin is red. A great amount of tissue has been damaged, including muscle, bone, joints, and tendons.

The Life/form® Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot Model includes a foot and information key card.


Made in USA by Nasco Healthcare and sold by GTSimulators.

Five-year warranty.

GTSimulators by Global Technologies
Nasco Authorized Dealer

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
ann taylor
great price for the tool;

great price for the tool; good for assessment lab

by Nasco Healthcare   —   Item # LF00944
Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot, Dark
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2.0 lb