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CLA Intubation Phantom of New-Born Baby
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Intubation Phantom of New-Born Baby with the co-operation of Prof. Dr. Chr. Fusch, Uniklinik Greifswald, we have developed a life-size model for orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation. In addition to a moveable lower jaw, great importance has been placed on faithfully copying the nasal, oral and pharyngeal cavities.
To practise nasotracheal intubation, a tube is carefully introduced into the nostril and carefully pushed along the inferior meatus and the back wall of the throat to the 7cm mark, to ensure that the point of the tube stops shortly before the epiglottis. Without any pressure being exterted on the upper jaw, the base of the tongue is gently raised using a laryngoscope spatula held in the left hand, until the entrance to the oesophagus and the glottis is visible. Holding the Magill forceps in the right hand, the point of the tube is then taken and inserted approximately 1.5cm into the trachea via the glottis.
We recommend that to prevent the tube from accidentally slipping, the thumb and index finger of the left hand hold the tube at the nasal vestibule, and the remaining fingers and palm of the hand are placed on the left side of the temple and forehead of the new-born baby.
The tube can then be attached to the skin as usual (e.g. using adhesive tape). The tube can be introduced through the mouth directly into the trachea, when the trachea is visible for orotracheal intubation.
The new-born baby intubation model comprises a moveable head with realistic nasal, oral and pharyngeal cavities, tongue and moveable lower jaw, epiglottis, glottis and trachea with alveoli, oesophagus with detachable stomach. The lower body is hard with soft moveable arms and legs, and a detachable female abdomen with umbilical cord. Length 45 cm., weight 1.6 kg.