CLA Arthroscopic Model of the Wrist
CLA Arthroscopic Model of the Wrist

CLA Arthroscopic Model of the Wrist

Item # CLA 16
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CLA Arthroscopic Model of the Wrist

Arthroscopic Model of the Wrist, Product Details: According to PD Dr. med. H. Hempfling of Murnau. The Arthroscopic Model of the Wrist consists of a plastic hand in which the carpal bones, the radius and ulna, together with the carpal disc and the intra-articular ligaments are visible. On the extensor side of the hand , there are two points of access to the inner cavity of the joint: a radiodorsal and an ulnodorsal opening. The carpal disc can be attached to the ulna and the carpal ligaments on both the flexor and extensor sides, and can be exchanged or replaced as required.

    Wrist Arthroscopy Model Dimensions and Weight:
  • Height: 48 cm / 18.90 inches
  • Width: 26 cm / 10.24 inches
  • Depth: 10 cm / 3.94 inches
  • Weight: 1.2 kg / 2.64 lbs

CLA nursing care dolls and phantoms are oriented on the normal procedures in diagnostics. As far as possible the course of treatment and diagnosis are close to realistic conditions and situations. Our products are only made in our own workshops. We ensure that only experienced specialists working in their metier make the nursing care dolls and phantoms as one-off hand-crafted products. Their creation from model to final assembly can be considered to be manufacturing to ensure the highest quality both in function and form. A wide and varied range of parts, materials and mechanical elements are now assembled to form a single unit that meets the high demands set in the training of people in medicine.

The very high quality materials and special production methods used by CLA enable the company to give a full 2-year guarantee.

The Arthroscopic Model of the Wrist is made in Germany by CLA - Coburger Lehrmittelanstalt.

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by CLA   —   Item # CLA 16
CLA Arthroscopic Model of the Wrist
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