3D Printed Gall Stone Ileus
3D Printed Gall Stone Ileus

3D Printed Gall Stone Ileus

Item # MP2078
$509.00 $566.00
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Features & Specifications
  • Trusted Vendorby Erler Zimmer Monash University
    A trusted GT partner
  • 3D Printed Badge3D Printed Model
    from a real specimen
  • GSA PricingGov't pricing
    Available upon request
About This Item

3D Printed Gall Stone Ileus

Clinical History
A 54-year-old man presented to hospital with 12 hours of severe colicky pain, nausea and vomiting. On history, he was noted to have had a 3-year history of intermittent right subcostal pain for which he had not seen a doctor. He was diagnosed as having an acute bowel obstruction and a laparotomy was performed.

This segment of small

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3D Printed Gall Stone Ileus

Clinical History
A 54-year-old man presented to hospital with 12 hours of severe colicky pain, nausea and vomiting. On history, he was noted to have had a 3-year history of intermittent right subcostal pain for which he had not seen a doctor. He was diagnosed as having an acute bowel obstruction and a laparotomy was performed.

This segment of small bowel has been opened to display a large pigmented, ovoid gall stone with a roughened surface. This is an example of gall stone ileus.

Further Information
Gallstone disease is an uncommon cause of bowel obstruction – accounting for only 0.5% of cases with a preponderance for older and female patients. It most commonly secondary to biliary-enteric fistulae (can be to proximal or distal portions of bowel) but can also occur after sphincterotomy. Stones are usually over 2-2.5cm and 70% impact in the ileum, while others obstruct at sites of stricture/narrowing. History may include episodic obstructive symptoms. Diagnosis is confirmed either radiologically (often on CT scan) or at time of removal. Rigler’s triad is typical for gallstone ileus and consists of: (1) small bowel obstruction, (2) a gallstone outside the gallbladder, and (3) air in the bile ducts (pneumobilia) seen on imaging and gallstone presence on plane XR. Treatment usually surgical with removal of the obstructing stone, closure of the fistula and cholecystectomy to stop recurrence. These procedures may need to be staged.

Handling Guidelines for 3D Printed Models

GTSimulators by Global Technologies
Erler Zimmer Authorized Dealer
These items normal warranty are two years, however the warranty doesn’t cover “wear and tear”. The manufacturer does have 100% quality control on these models.

The models are very detailed and delicate. With normal production machines you cannot realize such details like shown in these models.
The printer used is a color-plastic printer. This is the most suitable printer for these models.
The plastic material is already the best and most suitable material for these prints. (The other option would be a kind of gypsum, but this is way more fragile. You even cannot get them out of the printer without breaking them).The huge advantage of the prints is that they are very realistic as the data is coming from real human specimen. Nothing is shaped or stylized.

The users have to handle these prints with utmost care. They are not made for touching or bending any thin nerves, arteries, vessels etc. The 3D printed models should sit on a table and just rotated at the table.

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by Erler Zimmer Monash University   —   Item # MP2078
3D Printed Gall Stone Ileus
$509.00 $566.00
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