SOMSO Falx Cerebri Model
SOMSO Falx Cerebri Model

SOMSO Falx Cerebri Model

Item # QS 8/6
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  • Trusted Vendorby SOMSO
    A trusted GT partner
  • 5-Year Warranty
    Provided by manufacturer
  • GSA PricingGov't pricing
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About This Item

SOMSO Falx Cerebri Model

The 14 or 18 piece skulls series QS8-2 and QS8-3(NOT INCLUDED), can also be supplied with a transparent plastic falx cerebri with tentorium cerebelli. Marked on the falx cerebri is the position of the sinuses of the dura mater( sinus durae matris) as well as of the Pacchioni granulations on the sinus sagitalis superior. The pathways of the venous blood and the cerebrospinal fluid can be clearly recognized. Frontally the falx cerebri is fastene
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SOMSO Falx Cerebri Model

The 14 or 18 piece skulls series QS8-2 and QS8-3(NOT INCLUDED), can also be supplied with a transparent plastic falx cerebri with tentorium cerebelli. Marked on the falx cerebri is the position of the sinuses of the dura mater( sinus durae matris) as well as of the Pacchioni granulations on the sinus sagitalis superior. The pathways of the venous blood and the cerebrospinal fluid can be clearly recognized. Frontally the falx cerebri is fastened to the crista galli and superior at the parietal bone; the tentorium can be supported laterally by the pyramidal crest and anterior in the region of the sella turcica.

However, it can be completely removed easily so that not only the structure of the dura duplications but also the position of the sinus (blue) of the dura mater can be clearly seen.

Cleaning and disinfecting your SOMSO Model:Spray a rapid and effective water based disinfectant for use on surfaces and wipe with a soft cloth.
The disinfectant spray must be pH neutral, alcohol-free, aldehyde free, fragrance-free and nonflammable.

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by SOMSO   —   Item # QS 8/6
SOMSO Falx Cerebri Model
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