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ZOE® Gynecologic Skills Trainer, Medium
Item # S504.200.M
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ZOE® Gynecologic Skills Trainer, Medium
The ZOE® S504.200 simulator is an adult-sized lower torso designed to help learners practice gynecologic skills. The
simulator's realistic anatomy and collection of pathologies help learners work hands-on and develop the clinical
skills needed to provide safe and effective care for a variety of gynecologic procedures.
Lifelike realism makes the new ZOE® the perfect hands-on addition to
ZOE® Gynecologic Skills Trainer, Medium
The ZOE® S504.200 simulator is an adult-sized lower torso designed to help learners practice gynecologic skills. The
simulator's realistic anatomy and collection of pathologies help learners work hands-on and develop the clinical
skills needed to provide safe and effective care for a variety of gynecologic procedures.
Lifelike realism makes the new ZOE® the perfect hands-on addition to any gynecologic skills curriculum, providing
invaluable experience on various gynecologic procedures including speculum examinations, fallopian occlusion,
catheterization, uterine sounding, and more

- Adult-sized female lower torso: diaphragm to upper-quadriceps
- Smooth and supple skin
- Available in light, medium, and dark skin tones at no additional cost
- Bony landmarks including ischial spines and coccyx
- Patent rectum for suppository administration
- Vaginal introitus facilitates placement of female condom or diaphragm
Removable and interchangeable cervices for visualization of normal and abnormal physiologies
- Normal parous
- Polyp
- Erosion
- Nabothian cyst
- Purulent cervicitis
- Carcinoma
Lifelike uteri and cervices structure for bimanual examinations
- 6-8 week pregnant
- 6-8 week pregnant with shortened ligaments
- 10-12 week pregnant
- 20 week pregnant
- Non-pregnant anteverted
- Non-pregnant retroverted
- Realistic fallopian tubes and ovaries for visualization and occlusion practice
- Pre-cut openings in non-pregnant abdomen permit minilaparotomy procedures
- Patent cervices and uterus opening allow passage of real instruments for procedures like uterine sounding
- Interchangeable and modular perineum insert for easy addition of optional ZOE® packages
- Realistic urethra and bladder for catheterization exercises
- Easily interchangeable uteri for recognizing abnormal pathologies via bimanual examination
- Enlarged uterus
- Small uterus
- Bicornuate uterus
- Severely anteverted-anteflexed uterus
- Uterus with large ovarian cyst
- Uterus with medium ovarian cyst
- Uterus with moderate retroversion
- Myomatous uterus
- Uterus with left side salpingitis
- Uterus with right side salpingitis
- Easily interchangeable uteri for recognizing abnormal pathologies via hysteroscopic viewing
- Normal anteverted uterus
- Uterus with advanced carcinoma
- Uterus with fundus carcinoma
- Subseptate uterus
- Myomatous uterus
- Uterus with early carcinoma
- Uterus with polyposis
- Uterus with varied polyps
- Uterus with hyperplasia
- Practice suturing realistic fistulous tracts
- Vesicovaginal tract
- Rectovaginal tract
- Urethrovaginal tract
- 1 Non - pregnant abdomen
- 2 Normal perineum insert
- 3 6 to 8 week pregnant uterus with shortened ligaments
- 4 10 to 12 week pregnant uterus
- 5 6 to 8 week pregnant uterus
- 6 Transparent IUD uterus
- 7 Retroverted uterus
- 8 Anteverted uterus
- 9 20 week pregnant uterus
- 10 5 normal patent cervices
- 11 6 to 8 week pregnant cervices
- 12 10 to 12 week pregnant cervices
- 13 6 abnormal cervices
- 14 2 sets of ovaries
- 15 2 sets of fallopian tubes
- 16 Urine fill kit

Optional Modular Add-ons

Interchangeable uteri for recognizing abnormalities with bimanual examination
- 1 Enlarged uterus
- 2 Small uterus
- 3 Bicornate uterus
- 4 Uterus with anteversion/anteflexion
- 5 Uterus with large ovarian cyst
- 6 Uterus with medium ovarian cyst
- 7 Uterus with moderate retroversion
- 8 Myomatous uterus
- 9 Uterus with salpingitis on left side
- 10 Uterus with salpingitis on right side

Interchangeable uteri for recognizing abnormalities by hysteroscopic viewing
- 1 Uterus with healthy characteristics
- 2 Uterus with advanced carcinoma
- 3 Uterus with fundus carcinoma
- 4 Subseptate uterus
- 5 Myomatous uterus
- 6 Uterus with early carcinoma
- 7 Uterus with polyposis
- 8 Uterus with varied polyps
- 9 Uterus with hyperplasia

Lifelike material supports realistic practice of suturing fistulous tracts
Modular vulva insert includes three fistulous tracts:- - Vesicovaginal
- - Rectovaginal
- - Urethrovaginal

Made in USA by Gaumard Scientific and sold by GTSimulators.
GTSimulators by Global Technologies
Gaumard Scientific Authorized Dealer
Shipping Weight and Dimensions:
- Size: 37" x 24" x 20" in
- Weight: 50 lb.